Saturday 29 June 2019

My commitment

Assalammualaikum everyone!
Well as for today, I would like to share about commitment. Hmm, I start wondering what I just did 1 week ago. As you guys know, now I'm in my clinical year, which I have requirements that I have to complete and work for it. At the same time, I have my own responsibilities as a daughter and as a sister :) Everything I do, is always family first no matter how busy I am, and no matter how tired I am. So, there's a day that one of my cousins texted me and as if I'm busy or not. Obviously I would say I'm not busy. Then she asked me a favor to help her with her school's video. And I was like, ohh it's a video, I like it and I know I can do it, I'm capable of doing it, so I agree to help her with her work. 

At the same night, I just realized that the next day I got exams and discussions at the same time, but I need to settle my cousin's video because she need it on the same day. WOW! I was like, how am I gonna coop with this abundance of work to do, for exams, I need to read a LOT, it is all about THEORY. Oh, yeah at the same night, it was my birthday, and my friends and I decided to have a dinner. Hahaha, I can see that I'm in rush to do everything. And alhamdulillah I managed to go for dinner with my friends and at the same time we studied a few things, then came home a bit late. I know I can't sleep, because if I sleep, my cousin's would be sad, tht I gave her hope and I didn't help her. So I try to stay awake and try to make it done. Editing is not tht easy actually, plus you need to be creative and think fast because of the time are so jealous. I slept on my table just in front of my laptop, because I need to wait for exporting and then send it via Telegram and email before I go to clinic. Alhamdulillah I managed to complete it before I go to clinic and I'm a zombie for a day (because I only get to sleep for 3 hours). 

I know it just a simple work need to be done, but come on, came back from clinic is tiring and yet I need to hold my tiredness and proceed to do others thing in order to make it settle within that limited time. I'm kinda look away at my health and sleep, because work need to be done first, no matter how tired you are. I know it's a bad and unhealthy way, but I just need to force to do it. 

Okay, I think that's all for now, need to continue to do my work because within 2 more weeks, I have OSCE (which is a practical exams, you need to verbal and practice the procedure). Do pray for me guys! 


Friday 14 June 2019

Friday 17 May 2019

Kindness is Free


We don't need money to have it. We don't need money to do it. Allah grant us so much things in this dunya in order for us to be able to collect the rewards and enter His Jannah. Sometimes, we didn't realize that those simple things that we did, is actually give the best results, in example,we make people smile (happy), we help (ease) them and the best thing is they are able to do good things to others too. Spreading good things through our manners can reflect our inner side. And once again, Kindness is Free. May Allah grant each of us a good akhlak and ease our journey in dunya and akhirah.

Monday 13 May 2019

Selawat Tafrijiyyah

Assalammualaikum everyone!
So here, Selawat Tafrijiyyah. Umi told me about this selawat. She asked me to recite it daily and she told me that she faced a lot of changes with the help of Allah and Selawat Tafrijiyyah. Whenever I got problem, she always and always told me to recite this selawat tafrijiyyah. Let's try make a small change by istiqamah (consistently) recite this daily. Insha aallah, may Allah help us in consistently remember Him by recite His words.

Saturday 11 May 2019

Salamun Ala Dunya

From Atiyah

(click the link below)

Aku Cinta Allah (I love Allah)

Umi's favourite song
(click the link below)

Test that keep on repeating

Assalammualaikum everyone!
I don't really know myself I think. Last night, someone made me realize that my problems always keep on repeating. And when I heard that, I started to think. Why I always have this never ending test (problems) that keep on repeating, what is the cause of this and how can I stop this. People never can understand you until they faced is by their own. Honestly, I've been sitting in this world of never ending test which keep on repeating since I was in high school. Hmm, I don't make stories and I don't tell people lie. If I said so, people won't believe me. I never can stop blaming myself for all those problems that keep on repeating. If only I have power, I could just terminate all those bad memories and there will not be a repeating problems. If only I knew how to overcome this, I could started doing it since high school.
But why is it still happening till now?
Because I don't have power and I don't know what is the way, and which is the way to overcome this repeating problems.

Those repeating problems are related to;


Whenever and whoever I'm with, I will always have problems with them. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes it's their fault. But the worst was my mind. I always and always OVERTHINKING. 
That's what they told me. 

Can I know how to stop being an overthinking girl?
Can anyone help me to overcome this?
How can I stop all those problems?
If I couldn't stop this problems from repeating, is there anyone that are still supporting me?
Is there anyone that will be there when I'm at my worst?
What if I never can stop it?
What if this is my real character?

I don't really know myself. I am too afraid of losing people that I loved again. I know, my attitude, my problems, keep on pushing others away. My past was even worst. I hate my past and I don't want to let myself be in those place again. 

I'm so shocked to hear that people that I loved, tired of hearing my repeating problems. IF ONLY I KNEW HOW TO END IT (the repeating problems), I would probably END IT NOW. 
I just don't know how. I lose hope on myself. I don't know who I am. Based on what they said, I can conclude that I am not a good person, a person that never can have happiness in life and always have problems with whoever I'm with. I am a problem maker. I am the worst human being. I am the most negative person that they ever met. I always tell people that I am a bad person. Never ever feel that I can be a good person. 

Maybe Allah let me alive in this dunya to help others, to make others happy. I don't deserved happiness in this dunya. I never deserved. Will forever never deserved happiness.
I would sacrifice a lot of things to please people, to make people stay with me, to make people happy staying besides me, but that doesn't ensure their presence during my worst. 
At the end, I always be the saddest person indeed.


"How to determine what are the reason behind those repeating test (problems) that Allah gave to me?"

Whoever facing a problem, there's a good for them because everytime they being patience (sabr) in facing their test, Allah lift their rank and it also can be that Allah forgive all their sins.
In one of the Hadith stated that; the greatest of these is that which is revealed to the prophets, because they are the noblest of creatures, the greater the test. Every human was simplified to him in accordance with what was destined to him

May Allah grant us sabr in whatever test that He gave.


Assalammualaikum everyone!

We are human being. We have emotions, we have feelings.

We are weak and the weakest in this dunya. 

Why do I said so?
Because Allah is the greatest and the most powerful in this dunya and akhirah.

 We have nothing. He created us. He never feel tired of us and He don't have those character.

We can be tired, we always tired, and forever be tired of everything that we faced in this dunya.

A question once crossed my mind;
Can a human be tired of listening to others problems?
As in someone share a problem to you, and you feel tired of hearing it.
Is it because of  the differences in patience level or is it just a human nature?
Have you guys ever think of this, because this thing seems quite tricky and really make me confused.

One of my friend told me that;
It depends on the individual itself. Not everyone feel tired of listening someone's problem. Different people have different level of patience.

"Is it depends on the differences in patience level or is it just a human nature?"
Patience (sabr)

May Allah increase our Imaan, increase our patience level in order to be a good muslim.


Is it wrong to pray for this?

Assalammualaikum and good morning!
So today is our 7th day of Ramadhan, alhamdulillah Allah still grant us alive to continue praying in this precious month.
I'm not in a good mood last night, when everything doesn't go well. And yeah suddenly, my mind started to think of something that I've been longing and been praying since the day where Allah had taken someone that He loved (my dad).

I started to questioned to myself whenever I feel sad, whenever I cried because of the problems that never end and never can be solved (stress mode);
"I pray to meet my dad in my dreams ya Allah, I need his advises, if not, at least I can see his face because I've been missing him so much, ya Allah. I couldn't bare this problems alone"

I asked one of my friend;
"Is it wrong that I pray to meet someone who is already died?"

Then my friend told me;
"No, it's not wrong"
Our Prophet Muhammad SAW said;

"Whoever sees me is one good news"

In conclusion, it is not wrong to pray for meeting someone who is already died. We are free to pray for anything AS LONG AS IT IS NOT CONTRADICTS WITH SYARAK.

May Allah grant us with a good ending, insha aallah.


Sunday 5 May 2019

Ramadhan Kareem 2019

Assalammualaaikum everyone!!! 
Alhamdulillah, today is our first day of Ramadhan. May our fasting month is better than the previous. I know everyone always wish for this, because we never know when is our death is coming right. The Ajjal is not in our hands, if its only in our hands, we will not work or prepare anything to face akhirah. And I can say that its not fair. Even our prophet who doesn't have any sins burden on him (maksum), still he feel the need of preparation to face akhirah. And I really hope, that this is not our last ramadhan. I feel very sinful. Hmm, when I look back at my prayers, my daily life, like when and how many times do I remember Allah and recite Al-Quran. Hmm, ya Allah, sometimes I feel I don't deserved to be in this dunya because I just don't know how to handle myself. Its okay, for now, I just need to believe in myself that I know I can handle myself and never stop learning to encourage myself to do goods while Im still breathing. Thank you Allah for letting me to feel the oxygen, the happiness to be around people that I love. May our Ramadhan will be the best month and the phase where we be a better person 💕

Friday 26 April 2019

LatteOrNever Official Channel YouTube!

Assalammualaikum everyone! 
Alhamdulillah so today, we are officially have our own YouTube channel. Yeay, so excited and yet so scared. There's a lot of things to think about before we do something right, so yeah. 
We're doing this because of a few reasons and targets/aims. 
We don't simply doing it just for our own sake but it is for EVERYONE, Insha aallah.

The aims of our YouTube Channel:
  1. Spread the good things/deeds (Dakwah)
    In order to spread the good things, we don't have to be those who graduated from the Islamic course or any specifically courses. It just need a true heart that wanna do ANY good things and believe that by doing these good deeds will help us in one day in Akhirah, Insha aallah. I'm no one but only a human being that live only for awhile in this dunya that owns by Allah (our creator). A few examples of a good deeds that we can make is helping the needy one near the road by giving them some food or even just lend a hand. Insha aallah, even though it looks like a really simple deeds, but we have to believe that Allah sent us to do good things to others because Allah knows that WE CAN and Allah loves us. Never lose hope in doing good things. It is okay to start from a small/simple deeds. Slowly and continuously doing it is much much better than do it drastically but can't be consistent.
  2. Encourage young people to use Youtube as one of the medium to do good things, to create an enjoyable hobbies which doesn't need to use money (payless).
    Nowadays, everything needs money whenever you go. Nothing is free unless you search for it. Chances are everywhere, and yet our young people nowadays we blinded by the scenario in social medias, newspapers that only shows all the negative cases instead of spreading the positive one. Parenting also play the important role in here, and nowadays everyone just give their kids gadgets just to make them silent or not disturbing others. I know that we're living in the gadgets era and we should really make useful of the gadgets properly. Gadgets can really harm us or make us better. The choice is in OUR HANDS. 

Do support our aims by SUBSCRIBED our channel and spread it!
(click on the text below for our YouTube channel)

May Allah ease our journey to achieve all the aims. I am scared of doing this actually but this is life. Without challenges in life, it will not be a life. Life consists of obstacles and challenges. If we can go through our life, insha aallah, Allah will ease us in dunya and akhirah. We just need to add a bit spice in our journey to face those obstacles and challenges which is SABR (patience). Without patience, we won't be able to achieve our aims. Sometimes we failed, sometimes we success. There's no such a thing of a PERFECT LIFE if we don't go through those nightmares. 
So don't worry, buckle up and start adding our main spice in life (Sabr) to face those nightmares! 
We can do it!

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Sebuah Kesilapan

Kesilapan itu sering terjadi,


Jangan menyalahi tapi koreksi diri,
Di dunia tidak ada kesempurnaan,
Yang ada hanyalah sebuah kemaafan.


Tuesday 16 April 2019

Get Started Now

Don't wait until everything is perfect,
It will never be perfect,
Life will always be challenging
Have obstacles
Less-than-a-perfect condition,
So what?
Get started NOW.
With each step you take,
You will grow stronger and stronger,
Become more and more skilled,
Become more and more confident,
Become more and more successful.


Monday 15 April 2019

Seorang Yang Tabah

Mengalah itu TIDAK MUDAH,
Tapi yang pasti hidup itu TIDAK SUSAH,
Mengalahlah untuk MENGUBAH,
kerana yang mengalah itu pasti seorang yang TABAH.


Saturday 6 April 2019

New Era New Journey: Indonesia-Malaysia

Do have a look on our latest video about : New Era New Journey (Indonesia-Malaysia)

And don't forget to drop a Like 👍 and share it! 😁