Saturday 11 May 2019


Assalammualaikum everyone!

We are human being. We have emotions, we have feelings.

We are weak and the weakest in this dunya. 

Why do I said so?
Because Allah is the greatest and the most powerful in this dunya and akhirah.

 We have nothing. He created us. He never feel tired of us and He don't have those character.

We can be tired, we always tired, and forever be tired of everything that we faced in this dunya.

A question once crossed my mind;
Can a human be tired of listening to others problems?
As in someone share a problem to you, and you feel tired of hearing it.
Is it because of  the differences in patience level or is it just a human nature?
Have you guys ever think of this, because this thing seems quite tricky and really make me confused.

One of my friend told me that;
It depends on the individual itself. Not everyone feel tired of listening someone's problem. Different people have different level of patience.

"Is it depends on the differences in patience level or is it just a human nature?"
Patience (sabr)

May Allah increase our Imaan, increase our patience level in order to be a good muslim.


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