Sunday 5 May 2019

Ramadhan Kareem 2019

Assalammualaaikum everyone!!! 
Alhamdulillah, today is our first day of Ramadhan. May our fasting month is better than the previous. I know everyone always wish for this, because we never know when is our death is coming right. The Ajjal is not in our hands, if its only in our hands, we will not work or prepare anything to face akhirah. And I can say that its not fair. Even our prophet who doesn't have any sins burden on him (maksum), still he feel the need of preparation to face akhirah. And I really hope, that this is not our last ramadhan. I feel very sinful. Hmm, when I look back at my prayers, my daily life, like when and how many times do I remember Allah and recite Al-Quran. Hmm, ya Allah, sometimes I feel I don't deserved to be in this dunya because I just don't know how to handle myself. Its okay, for now, I just need to believe in myself that I know I can handle myself and never stop learning to encourage myself to do goods while Im still breathing. Thank you Allah for letting me to feel the oxygen, the happiness to be around people that I love. May our Ramadhan will be the best month and the phase where we be a better person 💕

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