Saturday 11 May 2019

Is it wrong to pray for this?

Assalammualaikum and good morning!
So today is our 7th day of Ramadhan, alhamdulillah Allah still grant us alive to continue praying in this precious month.
I'm not in a good mood last night, when everything doesn't go well. And yeah suddenly, my mind started to think of something that I've been longing and been praying since the day where Allah had taken someone that He loved (my dad).

I started to questioned to myself whenever I feel sad, whenever I cried because of the problems that never end and never can be solved (stress mode);
"I pray to meet my dad in my dreams ya Allah, I need his advises, if not, at least I can see his face because I've been missing him so much, ya Allah. I couldn't bare this problems alone"

I asked one of my friend;
"Is it wrong that I pray to meet someone who is already died?"

Then my friend told me;
"No, it's not wrong"
Our Prophet Muhammad SAW said;

"Whoever sees me is one good news"

In conclusion, it is not wrong to pray for meeting someone who is already died. We are free to pray for anything AS LONG AS IT IS NOT CONTRADICTS WITH SYARAK.

May Allah grant us with a good ending, insha aallah.


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